Every garment is unique cause there's only one single piece of every design. You're welcome to mail me if you whant to buy something or if you have any questions. The purchaser pays the postage. The adress is fridafahlstrom@gmail.com
That's right - I can actually push the limits and use other "colors" than black. White for example.
It's a big step for me for real! But I simply can't live without the black details, as well as the fake suedefabric. But I'm quite proud of myselfe to have come this far! The next step might be grey, who knows?
Okay, this is the final schedule for the fashionshows from the big project KOSTYM during UMeå fashionweekend UMeå 2010. You're all welcome to Sagateatern in Umeå on the October 23. Entrance fee is50SEK.
10 Doors open 11 Malin Unga 12Malin Marteliusson 13Frida Fahlström 14 Sara Burkhard 15 Since, visningar 16 Noir et blanc 17 Since, final
It was love at first sight when I found this amazing fabric! After much shilly-shallying about what I should do with the masterpiece, I finally decided to make a pair of pants. Now I'm seriously considering to keep them myself. We'll see! But first, you all must get a chance to see them on the runway!